Friday, May 7, 2010


I read the preview of this book, very eager to read more, and the the rest of it did NOT disappoint!! I was given the opportunity to read it before it was officially available and I was sooo happy! Being told in Anne's POV, we get to see many sides to her--her logical side, her religious side, and her devilish side, all executed in a fashion only Anne could have done if the horrors of a vampire really did happen to her in real life! I was so drawn in to this story, I couldn't put it down. And the things she did to Charles Brandon and Cromwell were just "YUCK"! lol! There's even a bit of a twisted, sick romance between her and Thomas Wyatt, but their adventures and the horrors that follow are dominant in this novel. Tudor history has been turned on its head and then some! Now THIS is an Anne for the ages, an Anne you've never seen before, and if you're a horror fan, you'll be happy she got her revenge the way she did! Vamps, zombies, ghosts--this book has it all, with Tudor flair! Available now at Or you can visit the author's webpage for the free 2 chapter download plus check out the trailer for it: Absolutely 5 stars!